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Holiday Storytime at the Branch

Holiday Storytime at the Branch In-Person

Holiday Storytime returns to the Branch for a four-week run to get Rodman Public Library’s littlest patrons feeling festive.

At 10:30 a.m. on Tuesdays between November 26 and December 17, children are invited to 45 minutes filled with fun that will include crafts, music, activities, and stories – of course.

Each week will feature a different theme.

On November 26, kids will get ready for Thanksgiving by making a story bracelet and performing a turkey science experiment.

On December 3, children will kick off their countdown to Christmas by making a paper chain that they can use to mark off the days.

On December 10, Christmas goodies will be the theme and kids will use waffle cones to create Christmas trees.

On December 17, the branch will be the site of a Grinch party. Kids will enjoy Grinch-related activities and will make reindeer food to take home.

Registration is not required to attend storytime.

Also at the Branch, the elf Christopher Pop-in-Kins will appear on December 2 to watch for good girls and boys for Santa. He will be hiding in the stacks, so kids will have to look high and low to find him.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024 Show more dates
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)

Event Organizer

Jack Weber

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